That's the title that was approved by my publisher, OMF Literature, Inc. I've been toying with other titles, like,
Adventures of a Reluctant Entrepreneur
Adventures of a Dysfunctional Entrepreneur...
Adventures of a Procrastinating Entrepreneur/Writer
What happened? The business of life and it's busyness happened. We didn't stick to our deadlines... Other projects took priority...
I actually worked on and submitted the finished manuscript of another book, Ang Pera na Hindi Bitin (The Money that Never Runs Short) last January 5th. It was one of those ideas re-born in the shower and proposed to my publisher (OMF again) before the holidays. It was written in 2 weeks or so. (Yes, it is a short 28 page book or so.)
So here I am committing to posting what I have written and what I will be writing.
I need to have a goal to motivate me to finish this book amidst the pressing demands of being a husband, father to a terribly great 2 year old son, and running a couple of businesses (...and yes, trying to achieve my goal of getting my golf handicap from 32 to 2 in 32 months).
My goal: God willing, connect to the entrepreneurial spirits of 25,000 readers here in the Philippines and the rest of the world. (Read: target is to have a print run of 25,000 copies within 3 years of publication. ...and not to have to beg my Mom buy the first 24,999 copies...).
Submit the manuscript by May 1 (Labor Day)
Publish and launch at the next book fair this August 2010.
Pray for me? Here we go on this adventure in writing about a book called Adventures in Entrepreneurship...
Go, go, go! Am waiting for this book!